Think smart. Learn to think like a genius.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

On 4:58 AM by kevin kavs   No comments
Society can only judge you so far. People just like wild animals fear for themselves (their well-being). That is the reason why we constantly spread rumors in our neighborhoods, workplaces and vacation spots about people who don’t share the same values we have grown up to accept or have formulated.

 The real reason self esteem comes up is because we judge ourselves so much more than we are judged, we create a negative picture of ourselves much bigger than the society paints us. Self esteem is strongly built on the feeling of inadequacy.

Negative life events such as losing your job or getting divorced, deficient or frustrating relationships, and a general sense of lack of control can really fuel it. This sense of lack of control is often particularly marked in people who are the victims of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, or of discrimination on the grounds of religion, culture, race, sex, or sexual orientation.

Sometimes poor self-esteem can be deeply rooted and have its origins in traumatic childhood experiences such as prolonged separation from parent figures, neglect, or emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. If you think this is a particular problem for you, speak to a mental healthcare professional. Therapy or counseling may enable you to talk about such experiences and to try to come to terms with them. Unfortunately, therapy or counseling may be difficult to obtain, and may not be suitable for everyone.

Thankfully, there are a number of simple things that anyone can do to boost his or her self-esteem and, hopefully, break out of this vicious circle. You may already be doing some of these things, and you certainly don't need to do them all. Just do those that you feel most comfortable with.

1. Make three lists:
 one of your strengths, one of your achievements, and one of the things that you admire about yourself. Try to get a friend or relative to help you with these lists. Keep the lists in a safe place and read through them regularly.

Have you ever seen a TV commercial being aired like twenty times a day? Why do they repeat it so much you may ask? The reason why is to remind you that what they are selling is the best. I you go to the mall I guarantee that you will buy that product or service. These lists act like the commercial and repeatedly going through them continues to fix it in your mind that you are special and finally your self esteem will automatically go up.

2. Think positively about yourself. Remind yourself that, despite your problems, you are a unique, special, and valuable person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself. Identify and challenge any negative thoughts that you may have about yourself, such as ‘I am a loser’, ‘I never do anything right’, or ‘No one really likes me’.

3. Pay special attention to your personal hygiene: for example, style your hair, trim your nails, floss your teeth.

 This can be seen it tV commercials. What category of advertisements do you see most of the time when you turn on the tv? I bet the most favored category is based of health and hygiene. You always see soap commercials, dental hygiene commercials, hair product and salon commercials. You might have not noticed this but there is a pattern to these advertisements. People usually buy these products not only to boost their hygiene but also subconsciously to feel better about themselves.

4. Dress in clothes that make you feel good about yourself.
 When you’re walking on the streets have you ever seen somebody that with clothes that you really like? Maybe it had a certain pattern or colors that attracted you to it. What is the feeling that goes into your brain at that particular time? You think “those clothes might look good on me”. Why do you think that? It is because you want people to look at you in the same way you think they might look at that person – in a way that suggest I want to be that person.
This comes to the conclusion that you should always dress the way you want people to see you. This will always make you feel good about yourself.

5. Don’t be the dog in the relationship. The dog as we all know is man’s best friend. But as we progress in life the human looks at the dog’s inability to achieve but still considers it equal. Is this a bad thing? Yes, the dog feels comfortable in its under-achiever position while the human feels comfortable in his ability to be better than the dog and still receive love from it.

6. Eat good food as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Make meal times a special time, even if you are eating alone. Turn off the TV or radio, set the table, and arrange your food so that it looks attractive on your plate.

7. Exercise regularly: go out for a brisk walk every day, and take more vigorous exercise (exercise that makes you break into a sweat) three times a week.

8. Manage your stress levels. If possible, agree with a close friend or relative that you will take turns to massage each other on a regular basis.

9. Make your living space clean, comfortable, and attractive. Display items that remind you of your achievements or of the special times and people in your life. 

10. Do more of the things that you enjoy doing. Do at least one thing that you enjoy every day, and remind yourself that you deserve it.

11. Get involved in activities such as painting, music, poetry, and dance. Such artistic activities enable you to express yourself, acquire a sense of mastery, and interact positively with others. Find a class through your local adult education service or community center.

12. Set yourself a challenge that you can realistically achieve, and then go for it! For example, take up yoga, learn to sing, or cook for a small dinner party at your apartment or house.
Doing these simple things relax your mind taking your focus off the negative things that diminish you self esteem.

13. Do some of the things that you have been putting off, such as clearing out the garden, washing the windows, or filing the paperwork.

14. Do something nice for others. For example, strike up a conversation with the person at the till, visit a friend who is sick, or get involved with a local charity.

15. Get others involved: tell your friends and relatives what you are going through and enlist their advice and support. Perhaps they have similar problems too, in which case you might be able to band up and form a support group.

16. Try to spend more time with those you hold near and dear. At the same time, try to enlarge your social circle by making an effort to meet people. 

17. On the other hand, avoid people, places, and institutions that treat you badly or that make you feel bad about yourself. This could mean being more assertive. If assertiveness is a problem for you, ask a healthcare professional about assertiveness training. 

On 4:48 AM by kevin kavs   No comments

1. “Build something you believe in”
What do you scheme the most? What do you dream of doing? What is that thing you want to do and might be too embarassed to tell your friends or family. That is your purpose. Struggle with it til you get it right plus never fear what others might say, and if you do read 5 reasons why you haven't achieved your goals yet.

2. “Aim to be the best in the market not just better.”
Yes — in today’s society we collectively create amazing products, services and companies through entrepreneurship.  Dig deep and decide right now to build something radically different and radically better.

3. “Prepare to be copied. Don’t start unless you’ll survive imitation.”
If your idea is truly radical and takes off, you can count the minutes before the copy-cats arrive. How will you survive competition from the big 800-pound gorillas on the block? Or even from the upstart little guys? Your key is a system of ‘continuous innovation’.

4. “Build up reserves of money and energy for bad luck and mistakes.”
Great advice — but sometimes extremely difficult to do. What startup or growth company has reserves of cash sitting around? But Goldman and Nalebuff make a good point — run as lean as you possibly can and do not waste money or energy. You will endure mistakes and bad luck along the way, so having a good war chest full of capital and energy can help handle it.
5. “Never, ever give up control — until you sell.”
Some high-impact entrepreneurs will readily give up control in exchange for the lure of high-growth through venture capital — but I am not one of them. Relinquish control and you risk losing the culture and vision of the company you set out to build. Even though Honest Tea raised investment capital from the beginning, the co-founders always remained in the driver’s seat. (And yes — Goldman can still drive his vision as CEO of Honest Tea, but his boss at Coca-Cola can say ‘no’ at anytime. Thus, true control is forever gone.)
6. “Don’t compromise on the big things — compromise on everything else.”
Vision. Purpose. Core values. Write these things in stone and never budge. But flexibility in the value propositions, products and services you build to execute your purpose is vastly important. Many entrepreneurs I see fail to ‘bend to the market’ by adapting to what their customer’s are telling them.
7. “Figure out how to achieve your goals on a tiny budget — then cut that number in half.”
Yes — you’ve heard it said before — it will cost twice as much, and take twice as long as you think. My recommendation is you apply the principles of lean to your business from day one. No fancy offices. No fancy full color brochures. Your goal is to stay alive until you can nail your secret formula for success. Blowing the budget will insure nothing but a quick death.
8. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
Is it ever. Building a business is neither for the faint of heart or the speed demon. Climbing Mt. Everest is not done in 3 easy steps: 1.) decide you want to do it, 2.) fly to Nepal with zero preparation, 3.) sprint straight up the mountain in 12 easy minutes. Build systems for the long-haul and focus on small-connected steps. (It takes 26,364 steps of 7″ each to climb Mt. Everest, and that’s starting from half way up at Basecamp.)
9. “Take care of your family, personal and spiritual health — if you aren’t laughing or smiling on a regular basis, recalibrate.”
Imagine the path to a wildly successful business: founder working at a feverish pitch for 18 hours each day, for at least 5 years straight. True? No, it’s not. In my private conversation with Goldman, he flat-out told me two reasons he made it through the rough years: first — he believed in his purpose, second — his drive for personal balance. The notion we need to kill our family relationships, personal health or level of sanity to build our own business is sadly misaligned. Take it from me — don’t go there.
10. “Build the enterprise and the brand as if you’ll own them forever.”
Will you sell your business someday? Maybe. Should that be the sole reason you are building it? Probably not. When you start and build a business based on passion and purpose, with a burning desire to solve the pain of your customer through the deliverance of monetizable value, you build a far more valuable enterprise. Those in it for the short-term quick buck rarely succeed.

Plaster these 10 rules from Goldman and Nalebuff to your mirror, live by them everyday of your life as an entrepreneur and you might end up as successful as they. 
On 4:25 AM by kevin kavs in    No comments
Everybody wants to be somebody someday. If you have realized your purpose in life then you should take the necessary steps towards your goals. However in life you will always have speed bumps that will reduce your pace of determination. Today  i will highlight just five of the major distractions.

1. You constantly seek approval from others

You might be the type of person who constantly thinks of the outcome before you carry out an activity. I'm sorry to tell you this but this kind of behavior will ruin you.You are basically programming yourself to accept commands from others subconsciously.The worst part is they don't even realize they are giving you any commands (works kind of like a computer virus).

 Always remember that you came into this world alone and sorry to burst your bubble but that is how you will also leave. 

No matter how much you are in love or in sync with your partner or friends you will always make different decisions and choices, that is why arguments erupt all the time, your individuality wants to speak. Be bold take a step on your own and see what happens next.

2. You fear prying eyes

Just like in the animal kingdom we will always be weary of danger around us, but some people heighten these limits of danger. You might be too scared of what  your neighbors might think you decided to buy that brand new Porsche that you always had your eye on.Chances are they already talk negatively about your current car, love life, children, relationship with them and many more things.

Everyday we live the thinner the ice below our feet becomes, learn to focus a little more on yourself and your happiness before you sink into the frozen waters of the unknown. 
3. You procrastinate too much

This is the reason why many people go to their graves before being recognized for their significant contribution to the society. You might have the gift of ideas and can make an app 100 times better than any in existence but due to over thinking which is the foundation of procrastination and comparing your idea to all the greats you will almost always never make a move or at least that which is noticeable.

Stop comparing your ideas to the greatest in the market. Be a little crazy, deploy your idea and let the society do the rest. who knows you might be the next billionaire.

4. You only trust existing patterns

Are you the type of person who discourages people when they say they want to open an entirely new business that does not exist or releasing a product that has not undergone extreme market testing? Chances are that you are an intelligent person. Intelligent people naturally fear making un-calculated moves, they might see your idea as a gamble and stick to what they are sure works and has worked for a number of years.

If you want to achieve the un-achieved, learn to live outside your comfort zone.At least try one "dumb" idea and see where it leads you. Don't be too afraid to fail, you might think people will look at you in a worse off angle when you fail but keep in mind this is not true. People are more likely to appreciate your effort rather than perfection. That is the same reason people like magic. We are naturally wired with the desire to see other people try something out of the ordinary "normal routine".

5. Your focus is scattered

 You might think that trying our hand in several things will give you a wide variety of outcome fast. Strain to know your limits know exactly how many projects you can handle at once. If it is too much pressure for you reduce that number and try on a lesser scale. We are engineered to deal with different kinds of weights if you stretch yours too far you will eventually lose.

Give focus to what you treasure most and i assure you that you will achieve what you desire most.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

On 8:07 AM by kevin kavs   No comments

On 8:07 AM by kevin kavs   No comments

On 6:28 AM by kevin kavs   No comments